Modern C++ is powerful but easy to write and read - if done good.

Sometimes I do programming tasks just for training (inspired by the Kata as described in Uncle Bobs Clean Coder book), and one of them is the quicksort algorithm.

I will not describe the algorithm itself here, a lot of people already have done this pretty well so there is no need to repeat it. And of course both Python as well as C++ provide better and faster ways of sorting containers, even the quicksort algorithm I used here is not the best one, but in my oppinion good understandable. For a better implementation have a look at my quicksort with stl post.
My intention is to show that Python and Modern C++ are pretty similar, the last one may even be easier if you are confident with the Iterator design pattern.

At first the Python implementation:

from typing import Sequence

def _swap(sequence:Sequence, left:int, right:int):
    """Swap `sequence[left]` with `sequence[right]`."""
    sequence[left], sequence[right] = sequence[right], sequence[left]

def _partition(sequence:Sequence, lbound:int, rbound:int)->int:
    Partition `sequence` from `lbound` (start index) to `rbound` (stop index, included)
    by using the rightmost element in it as pivot.
    After leaving this function all elements in the given `sequence` range smaller than
    the pivot will be placed left to it, all others right from it.
    Returns the index of pivot in `sequence`.
    pivot = sequence[rbound]
    left:int = lbound
    right:int = rbound - 1
    while left < right:
        while sequence[left] > pivot:
            left += 1
        while right >= left and sequence[right] <= pivot:
            right -= 1
        if left < right:
            _swap(sequence, left, right)
            left += 1
            right -= 1
    if left == right and sequence[left] > pivot:
        left += 1
    if sequence[left] != pivot:
        _swap(sequence, left, rbound)
    return left

def _quicksort(sequence:Sequence, lbound:int, rbound:int):
    """Perform an inplace quicksort in `sequence` range from `lbound` to `rbound` index (both including)."""
    if lbound < rbound:
        pivot_index:int = _partition(sequence, lbound, rbound)
        _quicksort(sequence, lbound, pivot_index - 1)
        _quicksort(sequence, pivot_index + 1, rbound)

def quicksort(sequence):
    """Perform inplace quicksort in `sequence`"""
    _quicksort(sequence, 0, len(sequence) - 1)

This looks pretty easy to read, now the C++20 implementation:

# include <algorithm>

/// Swap data from iterator `left` with `right`
auto _swap(auto left, auto right) {
  auto tmp = std::move(*left);
  *left = std::move(*right);
  *right = std::move(tmp);

/** Partition from `lbound` (start iterator) to `rbound` (stop iterator) by using the element at `rbound` as pivot.
  * After leaving this function all elements in the given range smaller than the pivot will be placed left to it,
  * all others right from it.
  * Returns an iterator to the pivot seperating the both partitions.
auto _partition(auto&& lbound, auto&& rbound) {
  auto pivot = *rbound;
  auto left = lbound;
  auto right = rbound - 1;
  while (left < right) {
    while (*left < pivot)
    while ((right > left) && (*right >= pivot))
    if (left < right) {
      _swap(left, right);
  if (left == right && *left < pivot)
  if (*left != pivot)
    _swap(left, rbound);
  return left;

/** Perform an inplace quicksort from iterator `lbound` to `rbound` (both including).
  * The iterators have to be contiguous (which is ensured by a constraint to `IteratorType`.
template < std::contiguous_iterator IteratorType >
void quicksort(IteratorType lbound, IteratorType rbound) {
  if (lbound < rbound) {
    auto pivot_position = _partition(lbound, rbound);
    quicksort(lbound, pivot_position > lbound ? pivot_position - 1 : pivot_position);
    quicksort(pivot_position < rbound ? pivot_position + 1 : pivot_position, rbound);

/// Perform inplace quicksort in `sequence`
void quicksort(auto& sequence) {
  quicksort(std::begin(sequence), std::end(sequence) - 1);

Using the std::contiguous_iterator concept for the template parameter IteratorType ensures that only contiguous iterators can be passed to quicksort (such as those from std::vector, std::basic_string or std::array). Passing an invalid (not contiguous iterator) type here will lead to a speaking error message (instead of the confusing litanies SFINEA produces):

quicksort.cpp(54,3): message : The assigned restrictions are not fulfilled.
quicksort.cpp(32,12): message : The concept
  "std::contiguous_iterator<std::_List_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<_Ty>>>>" was evaluated as FALSE